There’s always a reason for our discontentment. Some situation we wish were different. But peel away the layers and what do you find? Lesson two: a discontented person is a proud person. How so?
If you believe in a sovereign and providential God who sanctions even the minutest events (Matt. 10:29), then your situation is precisely the way it is because God has determined that it should be that way. Discontentment is a slight handed way of finding fault with God’s wisdom. Who would dare call into question God’s way of ruling the universe or even one’s own personal life? And yet, this is the implication of discontentment. A discontented person is a proud person.
R.C. Sproul once said, “The secret to a happy life is humility.” The more I think about what makes life displeasing, the more I’m convinced Sproul is right. Humility would go a long way in us learning to be content.