Archives: Episode

The Brian Dainsberg Podcast (Summer Replay) Critical Theory: History

(Originally Published on August 15, 2021) Critical Race Theory (CRT) has received quite a bit of attention over the recent months. CRT fits under the broader umbrella of Critical Theory (CT), which has a rich and lengthy history. This episode will seek to trace the genealogy of this much talked about ideology.

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast (Summer Replay) Critical Theory: Doctrine & Biblical Critique

(Originally Published on September 15, 2021) Critical Theory has “doctrine” to it; fundamental tenets that shape the ideology. This episode will explore its doctrine and offer a biblical response to it.  Resources: Confronting Justice without Compromising Truth – Thaddeus Williams Live Not By Lies – Rod Dreher

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast (Summer Replay) Thoughts on Politics – Part 1

(Originally Published on March 15, 2023) Pastors are not political pundits nor do most desire to enter the overcrowded fray of political punditry. But religion and politics may not occupy totally separate quadrants of life as some may contend. Might it be the Scriptures offer some direction for a Christian's involvement in the political world?…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast AI and Bible Translation with Special Guest: Dr. Don Barger

Artificial Intelligence is all the rage these days. Some people are excited about it. Others are suspicious. Can it be useful to the global church? In this episode Dr. Don Barger surveys the role AI is having in Bible translation. Resources: The Brian Dainsberg Podcast is taking the summer off…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast IVF

In vitro fertilization has been in the news lately. It could be argued it's a subject the church fell asleep on. So, as Christians, how shall we think about this? Resources:

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast (Bonus Episode) Bold Move: Lakeside Alliance Church – March 2024 Update

The last time we did a bonus episode of The Brian Dainsberg Podcast, Lakeside Alliance Church was preparing to launch. As of January 2024, LAC has officially started gathering as a new church. This episode will discuss the ground that's been covered so far and the exciting happenings still to come. Resources: Lakeside Alliance Church…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast How to See the World – Part 2

Critical theory. Cancel culture. Abortion. Racism. Transgenderism. Politics. All these subjects have been addressed in the Brian Dainsberg Podcast. This episode builds on February's episode by providing a starting point for evaluating ideas such as these that may come our way. Consider this a crash course in seeing the world through the lens of Scripture.

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast How to See the World – Part 1

Critical theory. Cancel culture. Abortion. Racism. Transgenderism. Politics. All these subjects have been addressed in the Brian Dainsberg Podcast. This episode will provide a starting point for evaluating ideas such as these that may come our way. Consider this a crash course in seeing the world through the lens of Scripture.

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Does Science Disprove Christianity?

Can you be an intelligent scientific thinker and still believe in God? Or has science “killed God?” There are limitations to science some people may not be aware of. This podcast will cover four of those. Resources: The Reason for God – Tim Keller Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics – William Lane Craig

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast The Genesis of Gender with Special Guest: Dr. Abigail Favale

Dr. Favale is an author and professor at Notre Dame University. She has written a book entitled The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory which helps explain the historical and sociological currents that have generated the transgender craze. Resources: The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory – Abigail Favale

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