The Bible is not a series of disconnected stories. It is a single, unified story ultimately about Jesus Christ. In Luke 24, after Jesus’ resurrection, he appears to his disciples and teaches them about this truth. He says to them, “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms” (Luke 24:44). The Old Testament is about Jesus Christ! Let’s look at one example.

Think back to the Garden of Eden. Do you recall what occurred in Genesis 3? Satan tempts Adam and Eve to disregard God’s command about the tree, defy his will, and impose their will on God. Adam and Eve bit on it. When faced with temptation in the garden, they failed miserably. Their failure brought separation from God. It brought death. This scene prefigures a scene recorded much later in the gospels. 

Jesus also faced temptation in a garden. He faced a similar kind of temptation to what Adam and Eve faced. It was a temptation to impose his will on the Father’s will; a temptation to abandon the Father’s plan in order to enact his own. But unlike Adam and Eve, Jesus repelled this temptation through prayer when he prayed, “not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). What Adam and Eve failed to do, Jesus did. As a result, Jesus’ success brings us back into God’s presence. It brings life. Adam and Eve’s failure in the garden points forward to Jesus’ success in the garden. Adam and Eve’s failure in the garden brings us death. Jesus’ success in the garden brings us life.

The Bible is not a collection of isolated stories, but a single, unified story ultimately about Jesus Christ. The Bible is not primarily good advice on how to behave. It’s good news about what God has done that is meant to melt our hearts and leave us awestruck bowing before the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

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