
The Brian Dainsberg Podcast (Summer Replay) Critical Theory: History

(Originally Published on August 15, 2021) Critical Race Theory (CRT) has received quite a bit of attention over the recent months. CRT fits under the broader umbrella of Critical Theory (CT), which has a rich and lengthy history. This episode will seek to trace the genealogy of this much talked about ideology.

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast (Summer Replay) Critical Theory: Doctrine & Biblical Critique

(Originally Published on September 15, 2021) Critical Theory has “doctrine” to it; fundamental tenets that shape the ideology. This episode will explore its doctrine and offer a biblical response to it.  Resources: Confronting Justice without Compromising Truth – Thaddeus Williams Live Not By Lies – Rod Dreher

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Does Science Disprove Christianity?

Can you be an intelligent scientific thinker and still believe in God? Or has science “killed God?” There are limitations to science some people may not be aware of. This podcast will cover four of those. Resources: The Reason for God – Tim Keller Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics – William Lane Craig

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast 4 Ways Your Phone is Changing You

The invention of the modern day smartphone is as seismic as the invention of the printing press, the discovery of electricity, and the development of the automobile. They aren't just tools. They change people – sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. Resources: 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You – Tony Reinke iGen: Why…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast “Get Back to Work!”: Reflections on Work Ethic

“Where have all the workers gone?” This question has become a frequently repeated one. And it's a very important one. But showing up isn't enough. When you do show up, work hard! Put forth your best effort. Not because you're attempting to amass a materially affluent kingdom, but out of love for the customers, clients,…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Top 5 Books of 2022

Here are the five best books I read this past year. Happy shopping! Happy reading! Resources: What About Evil?: A Defense of God’s Sovereign Glory – Scott Christensen Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith – Guillaume Bignon Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age –…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Clergy and the American Revolution

The conversations and debates that preceded the American Revolution were frequent and spirited. The colonial clergy were active participants in it. But according to Dr. Gary Steward, they have been misunderstood. Were these ministers co-opted by secular thinking? Or did they remain faithful to their theological heritage in advocating for political resistance? Resources: Justifying Revolution:…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast 4 Ways God Wants You to See Your Work

Work doesn't always involve receiving a W-2 or 1099 tax form. Not all work is compensated. But work makes up much of our lives whether it's in the office, on the construction site, or at home with kids, dishes, dirty floors or weedy gardens. God has spoken to this important aspect of our lives. Resources:…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Ancestral Guilt and Corporate Repentance

Are human beings culpable for sins their ancestors committed? Within the critical theory ecosystem is the notion of ancestral guilt which answers this question in the affirmative. How does this stand up to the scrutiny of Scripture? Resources:

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Is the Bible Reliable?

Most historians are quick to acknowledge the historical credibility of the works of Herodotus or Thucydides or Julius Caesar's invasion of Gaul. How does the Bible's reliability stack up against these? The evidence is overwhelming: the Bible is the most well-attested ancient document we have. Resources: Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a…

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