
The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Does Science Disprove Christianity?

Can you be an intelligent scientific thinker and still believe in God? Or has science “killed God?” There are limitations to science some people may not be aware of. This podcast will cover four of those. Resources: The Reason for God – Tim Keller Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics – William Lane Craig

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Thoughts on Politics – Part 3

By the command of God, governments have a responsibility to establish a common morality, not a common religion. But how would people who don't subscribe to the Christian Scriptures, who don’t follow Jesus, determine what that morality should be? And what does this mean for a Christian's involvement in its government? Resources: Liberty for All:…

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The Brian Dainsberg Podcast Thoughts on Politics – Part 2

The little known covenant God made with Noah is about more than not sending another flood. It contains God's expectations for the human race and the foundation for government's proper role within it. Resources: Liberty for All: Defending Everyone's Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age – Andrew T. Walker Politics after Christendom: Political Theology in a…

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