This is one of Satan’s tactics. If he can get you think God isn’t really looking out for your interest; if he can get you think God isn’t good, then he’ll get you to think, “If I obey God about this or that, I won’t be happy.”
Through the enemy’s attempt to disorient us, we need to remember the message of Genesis 1-2: God is exceedingly good and he doesn’t ask us to do anything that isn’t also good. There’s a message I have had to learn to preach to myself when obeying God doesn’t look appetizing. The message is this:
“God loves me so much, he sent his only Son into the world to live a perfect life for me; and to die a death I would never want die. If God loves me this much, then whatever he is asking me to obey him on must spring from this same goodness. Therefore, I can trust that whatever God wants me to obey is every bit as good as the good he has shown me in what Jesus did for me.” This is the only way I can reorient myself to what is actually good. So learn to preach this message to yourself.