The scientist:
Scientist: I establish what is true based on science. Science is my highest authority.
Question: How do you determine science is your highest authority?
Scientist: Through science.
The Christian:
Christian: I establish what is true based on Scripture. Scripture is my highest authority.
Question: How do you determine Scripture is your highest authority?
Christian: Through Scripture.
Imagine a conversation like this:
Skeptic: I don’t believe in Christianity.
Christian: Why not?
Skeptic: Because science can prove some of the stuff in the Bible isn’t possible. There’s no way it could have happened.
Christian: So science is what you use to determine what is true?
Skeptic: Yes.
Christian: How did you decide science is what you would use to determine what is true? How did you go about making that decision?
Skeptic: I don’t know. I guess I found it compelling.
Christian: So you decided you would use science to determine what is true?
Skeptic: Correct.
Christian: Am I permitted the same privilege?
Skeptic: What privilege?
Christian: The privilege of, like you, deciding for myself what I will use to determine what is true?
Skeptic: I guess so. I don’t want refuse you something I grant to myself.
Christian: Great! I choose Scripture. Scripture is what I’ll use to determine what is true. Scripture says Jesus died on the cross and was raised three days later.
Skeptic: Not possible!
Christian: Why not?
Skeptic: Science can prove it.
Christian: Wait a minute. You’re using your self-declared highest authority to critique my self-declared highest authority. Is that a privilege you will grant to me also?
Skeptic: What privilege?
Christian: You just used your highest authority, science, to critique my highest authority. Am I permitted that privilege as well?
Skeptic: I guess so. I don’t want to refuse you something I grant to myself.
Christian: Great! Jesus died on the cross and was raised three days later because my highest authority clearly says so.
Say the scientist questions the Christian’s highest authority and dismisses it. A possible response the Christian could use is: “on what basis are you dismissing my highest authority?” The scientist would likely say, “Science.” Response: why is your highest authority allowed to critique my highest authority? Is my highest authority allowed to critique your highest authority? Why are you allowing yourself to subordinate my highest authority to yours, but I’m not allowed to subordinate your highest authority to mine? You grant yourself the privilege of declaring what you want your highest authority to be, but you are refusing to give the same privilege to me.