If you missed Part 1 of this two-part series, please read it first here.
The irony of the cross is this: what looked like Satan’s victory, was actually his defeat. On the surface a cultural crisis may appear like a victory for the enemy, but the cross shows us it may actually be his defeat.
Could it be that the same-sex marriage ruling may look like a victory for the enemy, but instead actually be his defeat? I believe so. Let’s let Scripture explain how this is possible.
Remember the very famous scene in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3? Satan successfully convinces Adam and Eve that their lives were not as good as they could be. He plants this idea in their minds that if they eat from the one tree God tells them not to, their lives will become all they imagine they could be. Before you know it, Adam and Eve become discontent with how things are and long for something more. They begin saying to themselves, “If only we eat from that tree, then we can be happy and satisfied.” So they eat. And how did that turn out for them? They become worse than they were before. They got the one thing they thought they needed to be content and their lives become a nightmare.
It’s been the life-mission of many within the same-sex community to see same-sex marriage legalized. I would argue large numbers of them have looked to this as the defining moment of their lives. For years many of these individuals have probably thought, “If only same-sex marriage would be legalized, then my life would have meaning.” Well, they got what their hearts wanted most. Now what? Will their lives become all they imagined they could be?
If the Bible is correct, they are re-living the Garden of Eden all over again. If the Bible is correct, not only will their lives not become all they imagine they could be, but their lives will become worse than they were before. Some of them are going to come to realize this. So where will they turn?
I believe Christians and churches need to be ready to receive with grace and truth the refugees of this sexual revolution. I believe there will come a day when they will come to us empty and confused wondering why they’re empty and confused. Christians and churches need to be ready for opportunities to present to these victims of deception the only thing that can truly satisfy: the gospel of Jesus Christ. What looked like a victory for the enemy, may actually be his defeat. In the end, the same-sex marriage ruling may actually send more lost people into the saving arms of Jesus where they will find the very thing same-sex marriage couldn’t give them.